

Company Profile – official corporate report that contains all current and historical information and documents that are available in the Dutch Trade Register for a particular company/legal entity.

Issuing Authority

The Dutch Trade Register


Details of the company/legal entity:

Dutch Trade register number (KVK number) of the company/legal entity

Legal form of the company/legal entity

Tax number (RSIN number) of the company/legal entity

Legal name of the company/legal entity

Trade name(s) of the company/legal entity

Date of corporation of the company/legal entity

Date of registering of the company/legal entity with the Dutch Trade Register

Authorized share capital (if applicable)

Paid-up share capital (if applicable)

Place of incorporation of the company/legal entity

Date of submission of the last Annual Fiscal Report (if applicable)

List of registered business activities of the company/legal entity

SBI codes of incorporation of the company/legal entity

Number of employees of the company/legal entity

Registered office address of the company/legal entity

Correspondence address of the company/legal entity

Phone number of the company/legal entity

E-mail address of the company/legal entity

Website of the company/legal entity

Details of shareholder of the company/legal entity (if applicable)

Details of director(s) of the company/legal entity

Powers of director(s) of the company/legal entity

Details of authorized representative(s) of the company/legal entity

Other information

All filled documents (Articles of Association, etc)

All filled Financial Statements (Balance sheet, etc)

Concern relations of the company/legal entity (an overview of the structure of the group a company/legal entity belongs to)

History of corporate changes ( change of director, name, address, business activities, etc)






